6 plants that help to stimulate hair growth #45

1. Aloe Vera

The enzymes in aloe vera dissolve dead skin cells and excess sebum which can clog hair follicles. Is an excellent moisturizer due to its hydrating properties and great to restore the pH balance of the hair and scalp. Usually used as a gel.

2. Rosemary

One of the most popular and effective herbs for scalp health and hair growth. Proven to slow down premature hair loss it is usually used as an essential oil mixed with a carrier oil like olive oil.

3. Gingko Biloba

Known to help with increasing the blood flow follicles need to encourage new growth at the root level, thus speeding up your metabolism and boosting your immunity and hair growth. Usually taken as an oral supplement.

4. Peppermint

When applied to the scalp, peppermint oil can help heal chemical, microbial, or environmental damage while also stimulating growth by boosting circulation and stimulating hair follicles. Usually used as a tea rinse or direct application of essential oil mixed with a carrier oil.

5. Horsetail

Known to improve the strength of hair due to its high content of silica. Helps make hair less brittle which results in less hair loss and more length retention. It can be taken as a supplement.

6. Lavender

Lavender oil stimulates circulation in the scalp, strengthens new hair growth, and helps to balance the natural oil production of the scalp, making it a popular choice for people of all skin types. Usually used as an essential oil mixed with a carrier oil.

Products with some of these ingredients:

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