Tanika| 4 type hair Creative Natural Hair Icon UK #26

Hello darling, introduce yourself.

Hello readers, My name is Tanika, my social media name is Missybeelondon. I am a content creator. Passionate about creating content about natural hair to inspire and share knowledge and promoting Black-owned businesses. I have lived in London in the UK all my life. Not travelled much sadly, but hope to go to many destinations in 2021.

How long have you been a fierce natural girl and what made you do this choice?

I have been a Natural for a very long time, sadly I was not documenting my hair journey, like how I am now many years ago.

Have you ever cut your hair super short or did you ever transition and how did you overcome that?

I cut my hair myself many times and trim my hair every few months. I think life distracted me from actually watching the process when I did cut my hair short many years ago.

How would you describe your hair texture?

I would describe my hair texture as type 4 b/c as my hair has many textures and not proper coarse to properly type 4c hair. The thickest section of my hair is my crown, the middle of my hair. Around the perimeter and sides of my hair is not as thick due to not good hairstyles many years ago and tension.

Which products do you use to wash and style your hair?

Because I have used many hair products, being that I am a natural hair blogger, there are many to chose from. Brands that I have enjoyed using are As I Am, Shea Moisture, Palmers, Creme of Nature, ORS to say a few. Hair products do their job, but it’s about looking into the ingredients of the products. And of recent times I have been making DIY treatments, hair sprays, and oils. Using natural ingredients such as fenugreek seed powder, fenugreek seeds, coconut oil, rose water, vitamin e oil, Honey, Olive oil and coffee too, which I have a blog about making a coffee hair mask.

Natural ingredients are definitely better to use in the hair, but it’s all about doing the research.

What are your favourite hairstyles?

My favourite hairstyles are twist outs as I love the texture it gives my hair and wearing headwraps. I am a lazy natural, I don’t do too much with my hair, which is good and my hair is thriving, due to not constantly styling it.

Tell us two things that helped you get the hair you have now.

Understanding my hair, patience and having a good haircare routine. This is more than two things, I know but moisturising my hair regularly is key also.

Tell us 2 don’ts for your hair?

Twisting this to general advice.

Not moisturising your hair, water is your friend. Shrinkage is good and a sign that your hair is healthy. Not having a good haircare routine, including not washing it regularly. Extra one having your hair in tight hairstyles for long periods of time, which will cause pain and hair loss. And look after your edges.

Where can we find you?

@missybeelondon on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missybeelondon

Blog: http://www.missybeelondon.wordpress.com

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/missybeelondonblogs

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/missybeelondonblogger

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/missybeelondon

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