Kelsie| Creative Natural Hair icon USA #27

Hello, darling introduce yourself!

My name is Kelsie and I am from Mississippi! I am married with 4 step kids. I am a dental hygienist that lives in Houston.

How long have you been a fierce natural girl and what made you do this choice?

I got my hair coloured for the first time in 2017. My hairstylist kept pushing my relaxer back because of me getting it coloured and told me I should just go natural. I had a failed natural attempt before so I decided to try it again. Here I am, 3 years later and it’s easily one of my best choices. Shoutout to Lucy in Lafayette, Louisiana!

Have you ever cut your hair super short or did you ever transition and how did you overcome that?

I transitioned for about 7 months and it was getting harder to manage, so I went to Walmart one day and big chopped! I coloured my tips once, I chopped those ends off a few months ago. Lastly, I did another haircut and shaping in like June 2020. So I’m not scared of scissors! I grew my natural hair out from a pixie cut.

How would you describe your hair texture?


Which products do you use to wash and style your hair?

I use any shampoo. My favourite products are by far are Camille Rose Naturals! I like TGIN a lot too. I like Curls Dynasty, Uncle Funky’s Daughter… I mean girl, there’s so many.

What are your favourite hairstyles?

Braid and curl. Puff and bangs, side puff. Those are simple styles.

Tell us two things that helped you get the hair you have now.

Learning how to detangle and learning how to moisturize. Aloe Vera and Camille Rose Naturals, that’s all I need in this hair life.

Tell us 2 don’ts for your hair.

Tension and letting someone else do it 😂😂

Where can we find you?

Instagram –naturallyblessedd Youtube – Kelsie J you can find my YouTube link in my Instagram bio.

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