Length retention is a vital part of growing your hair to extreme lengths. Listen to bellow to Naturally Nella’s awesome tips that worked for her 4 type hair.
There are 3 main stages of a hair growth cycle: 1.Anagen– active growth stage that can last up to an average of 6 years and is genetically predetermined. 2.Catagen– transition phase in which hair stops growing and gets ready to…
This has been a growing trend to help with hair loss. Is said that caffeinated green or black tea will be more effective but might dry out your hair. Visit our shop…
You probably heard a lot about protective styling and that you should try and keep your hair in one if you want to avoid breakage and retain length as much as possible. Read on to know how to take full…
Watch naptural85 explain how to grow healthy natural hair and keep it long, from why is not advisable to colour your hair and how it might stunt your growth and how important is to keep a nice clean scalp! Do…