You probably already know this but moisturising is so underrated even though is one of the most important things you can do, to generally boost hair health!
1. Straight after prolonged sun exposure
After spending hours in the sun, be it at the beach or swimming pool, your hair will be super extra dry!
The sun doesn’t only dry the air and plants around you, it also has the power to turn your hair into straw! So make sure to mist it, during and after sun exposure.
Did you know, that natural shea butter has a low but efficient natural solar filter, that also protects your hair apart from your skin? If your hair agrees with it, apply a small amount on your hair, especially your ends, before heading out.
For some people a protective style is all about protect and forget! It shouldn’t be so, because your hair still needs moisture and nourishment. . These styles are meant to diminish manipulation. When in protective styles, make sure to wash, moisturise and seal your hair regularly.
3. In the morning after removing your satin hair bonnet
After at least 8 hours of sleep not only your body will be dehydrated but probably your hair too! Misting with water will help your hair fall in place and add some needed moisturise too.
4. Before going to sleep at night
I think this should be self explanatory. Just before a long period of lack of moisture, adding some moisture to your hair is a good idea. Use your favourite moisturiser, mine is Butter Me Up! Hair Styling Crème Brûlée.
5. Mid-day if wearing a wash and go hairstyle
Your hair loses more moisture when your wear it out, as more surface area is exposed to the air. If you have high porosity hair, then adding moisture by misting your hair throughout the day is even more important!
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[…] due to the stark contrast in texture between the natural roots and the chemically treated ends. Proper moisturization is essential to maintain the health and vitality of your hair. Here are four examples of […]
[…] due to the stark contrast in texture between the natural roots and the chemically treated ends. Proper moisturization is essential to maintain the health and vitality of your hair. Here are four examples of […]